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Hunter Plaskon

B.F.A. New Media

And When I am Reborn,

I Shall Euphorically Bathe in the Afterbirth


This collection is titled to reflect my journey as both a student and artist at SU. My art style has been described as "grimy," which I pride in. My work aims to capture the essence of what I find interesting: imperfections, the incomprehensible, and the wicked. Initially, I thought my work had no meaning and I made art with a pure aesthetic in mind. However, it is heavily inspired by music and the visuals they evoke for me. While music is essential for work, the main driving force behind them is my own personal struggles with mental health and the heavy burden it's been for the past six years. These works aim to confront those inner feelings I've kept suppressed for far too long.

Each piece in this collection is titled by a lyric that either inspired the piece completely or reflected what I associated with it. To make interacting with the pieces more engaging, I'll give you the titles of the pieces and you can try matching them.


"See the Ghost of Where I Was, Lonesome as I Was"

"When Atom Splits, And the Genome Melts, Will Cain Cradle Abel?"

"You'll Reap the Harvest You Have Sown"

"Who Starts A Fire Just To Let It Go Out?"

"All I Wanted Was You"

"So If You Feel Low, Sit Back, Enjoy the Show"

"Must Be Why I'm Thinking of Las Vegas"

"And If You Die, I Want to Die With You"


I prefer that viewers connect with my work on a personal level rather than dictating what they should feel. The titles of each piece are inconsequential and only serve as a tool to organize my thoughts and inspirations. It's also worth noting that my work may not be for everyone, as I mainly create with myself in mind. So please, don't feel obliged to fully understand it.

Lastly, I would like to emphasize that these pieces are best viewed as a cohesive whole, describing my journey as an artist and how it will continue. The path to where I am now has been messy, but I look forward to gloriously basking in the sunlight when all is said and done.

In closing, I want to express my gratitude to everyone who's helped me along the way: my family, friends, loved ones, and those who have ever doubted me.

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