Ashely Guetler
Personal Profile

Go outside. Stop. Look around. Tell me what you see. This entire world of colors, forms, and textures lie right in front of us. Yet we still take it for granted, searching for bigger and better things. I have brought the outside in to change how we usually view nature. By bringing it inside, we put more focus on this uncommon occurrence. Taking advantage of things is what humans do best, and I am here to bring awareness back to the ordinary, overlooked beauty in the world. I draw inspiration from purely appealing things to the eye. This is what is overlooked most. I want to bring about a new perspective in every individual that walks out of here, prepared to appreciate beauty. Because in the end, it is not common for a flower to grow bright petals or trees to bear fresh fruit, we are taking advantage of a wonderful, mysterious thing called Mother Nature. It can only start from somewhere, and I am beginning the change.