Kayleigh Sweitzer
Personal Profile

The delicate, meticulous process of painting blocks of color onto canvas or carefully forming hot glass allows me time to process my thoughts and feelings almost subconsciously as my mind enters a world of its own. My conscious self is able to focus solely on the movement of my hands and the quick decisions I must make. I am able to focus solely on creating the way I feel or how I am thinking, and it brings me a great sense of peace.
My work follows this desire for quiet introspection. It reflects very tangible emotion through vibrant, painted self-portraiture, which describes my inner world behind small works of blown glass that are a product of my endless search for my more tangible self. The juxtaposition of my two worlds in painting and in glass also showcases how different your perceptions towards one subject can be depending on what previous knowledge, ideas, and background you bring with you that allow you to interpret meaning from someone or something.