Megan Simms
Personal Profile

These works explore the world of concept art, which involves both character and
environment designs, utilizing digital media such as procreate and photoshop to create pieces involving both sci-fi and fantasy. They were made to bring a story to life, drawing references from various artists working in this field. By focusing on creating a variety of different character and world designs, I practice the skills necessary to become a concept artist for either movies or video games. These include generating a multitude of ideas and developing a solid understanding of form, value, and color. By concentrating on creating works for a story, I will be able to develop these skills and have a portfolio of works to share in my pursuit of this career.
This body of work was developed around a character I had designed in high school. The
story is inspired by the books I have read and the movies / tv-shows I have watched. It also
helped to draw influence from books showcasing concept artists' works. It was important to
capture the general idea of the place or person, suggesting detail with simple brushstrokes.
Maintaining sketch lines within the works was important to show the development of each piece.